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Mechanical Engineering - Fisica Tecnica

08 Convezione

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To u t r DATItp ni -o3kgrs TIN -1200 To uT =GOPCTinbitizox Din -0,015m To=120 C EIA -0, 02richiesteL = �d - svolgimentotrovareb Nu -flRe,Pr)-abe0laminareRe -4000TORBOLENTO Re - W .D.. W .D.S Tfsum =Tinhtous oM 2 TFILM - 360 C=300, 155S =007 1080 =903 kOlm 3WDATA B E L L E2propriet�deI I -7,18. 10-4 kgy FLUIDIV = 7, 2 5 - s�tmYs CP =4176,s JLgE K = 622,5.103W ink M -OB-S.W.S Lo We M S -1i71mrs Re -WD =35379 s 4000V turbolento Pr -oP. N = 4,820 nocpinIkgk F rgtmis . 5 m.n TJ I J T J - -- - NU =0,023 Re 0 PR ""= 188,05 he No . K -7804,4 W - D m 2kdPpTo u tbtinbtout r D -A.btTmI Tin ID ATm l . Itin -stout ITIN -1080C Inlatestout j btour -goc -hAdTmb-biDLbTml Le� - incplTout -TinJ TDhITanltDbdTmlITml - 81,66' C2o L =2,003m L -10D -15 omn Gs 10 i -mivtp DP -F. G 'S.W Z . f -0,184 Re ,E 0.0227 = 4400,8Pa L - hrioIf -in-GeAP= 1,320 W Q -mCP IT = 60147,6W L '= 1,320W -O 1,1- qoo2eo G� 7k1i6 CASOTUBOSCABRO Re ,Pr- Nu -0,125. f .Re.Pr"3 G -o,s f -qou Re -35379 No =208,84 beNO .K= 124027 S 7804,1 lusco ) s L . in cpITour-To n)= 1,26 m tDhtTmO AP -FI S . WE - 4878, 1 Pa Ls -1.474W in -ootstgIs Re -w� W in .S+0,0055mis V Re -1769- 200 LaminarE " Nu +3,66 beNO . D - 151,80 V mik L . MOPTTOUr -TIN) ES ,I45M ist tTmlLteLwLi -0,0s. Re . Pr . D -6.15m Lw -0,05. Re .D=1,33m DP -fGgW Lo f -bulRe = 3.62.102 DP =45,07Pa L =6,8.104 W    ,"$ ,,$,,$,,(,", ,$," ,,# , ,, $,", $,$,#, #  ,*,%, ,"",$#,""#,  ,%&, $ ,+ , $,),  ",, ,,,,'  +, $,), % "##,,$, #,  ,, ,', ## &&#,,,$,%# � ,, ,"                                                 TF -Ta xTo= 83,50 C- 356,65 E 2 Wtaium -T�3so Tfium -350 = W 4oo-K3so 400 - 350 Lo WTFILM =0,030zW ink V -2,132-105 mYsPr - O ,7056 Grd -3,3-196 Ra - Grd . Pr= 2,331.106 No -2+ 0,580Rad 029 fet 1 aoon JroJ 4rs- I = 19,32 b - Nod . K = 7, 4 3 Wd ikQoiss .conv = hA Ito -To )=6,50 W G .S0W - 16,500 Qsiss 4 OW Wx -3mIs T .S FORZADa GrI - S MISTA R�\ sSanatoralE RewD - 7035,6V l . 0,067TLforzata No -2t 10.4.Re ,s 0,06. Re ,667). P 2 ." Pr = 0,7056 . Nu -50,4 beNo . K =30,44 WbigOHNatUraleIQconr - halTa . To ) + 27,01WLo 67,5 r. Qsiss datirichieste Tr o) - 200C 5 C )- 200 C Tho ) - To-1O00C Tx = 1900 C T B 3o)-" bozsWmzg El ITo -trt to ko . svolgimentoth =termometad to -termocoppia hAlto -Ts J d t-dU Biro ,s B�blo Lo -VA k Bit 20. 1+500 = 5,3.-10-573 Bith - 29.Nzsz = 9,0038g hAlT -To J d t=mcdT - hAt 2 o TIEJ -To t I T i-To J emo hAmc -6-bA�B bic = 0,057.5 GTH =O,0135 5Ero -frc 17,55 s iHfit 3gos Tr )-To t fti -To J e-hamoD Tr o s )to= 93,840 C TBOSJ = 159,230 ctc ThosJif - 41,570 C TBosJtn 76iZZOC T 0,00 Tx = 188,10 C tolnITintoF -To) tepoF78,84 s tleoTH = 332,88s * i� D t