Mechanical Engineering - Mechatronic Systems and Laboratory A

Mechatronic Systems and Laboratory A

Synthetic program:

The course describes the methodologies for modelling and controlling mechatronic components and systems. In particular, both lumped parameter and continuous mechatronic systems are dealt with. Focus is placed on smart actuators and advanced modern control techniques. In detail, the topics dealt with within the course are:
Introduction to mechatronic systems: classification of mechatronic systems, some historical background and everyday examples
Smart actuators: piezoelectric and magnetostrictive actuators, shape memory alloys (SMA), electroactive polymers (EAP), MEMS actuators (and sensors); properties, modelling, production and applications
Modern control techniques: linear and nonlinear optimal control, LQR, LQG, MPC; modal and resonant control
State observers: Luenberger observer, Kalman filter, Kalman-Bucy filter, Extended Kalman filter, Unscented Kalman filter Applications: modelling of the lumped and continuous parameter mechatronic system including the actuation and the sensing as well as the control logic; level of schematization according to the required performances and frequencies of interest
In parallel with the lessons (4 hours per week), 2 hours per week of training and 4 hours per week of laboratory (either on Wednesday or on Thursday according to the student’s needs) are carried out to numerically test the learned models and to physically implement on given benches the proposed algorithms. In particular, the available benches allow to test vibration control algorithms, motion control algorithms, industrial robots, industrial plant emulators, magnetic levitation, etc.
Note: Mechatronic Systems and Laboratory B course is carried out in the same hours of Mechatronic Systems and Laboratory A course but the program is reduced (nonlinear control techniques are not included) and therefore finishes earlier.

Suggested references
Besides lecture notes provided by the professor that cover the whole program of the course, interested students can deepen their knowledge on specific topics by making reference to the following books:
Bar, Cohen: "Electroactive Polymer (EAP) Actuators as Artificial Muscles"
Dai: "Intelligent Macromolecules for Smart Devices"
Engdahl: "Handbook of Giant Magnetostrictive Materials"
Heywang, Lubitz, Wersing: "Piezoelectricity: Evolution and Future of a Technology"
Uchino: "Advanced Piezoelectric Materials Science and Technology"
Qin: "Advanced Mechanics of Piezoelectricity"
Yang: "An Introduction to the Theory of Piezoelectricity"
Otsuka, Wayman: "Shape Memory Materials"
Lagoudas: "Shape Memory Alloys: Modeling and Engineering Applications"
Lexcellent: "Shape Memory Alloys Handbook"
Baglio, Castorina, Savalli: "Scaling Issues and Design of MEMS"
Gad el Hak: "The MEMS Handbook: MEMS Design and Fabrication"
Stengel: "Optimal Control and Estimation"
Rawlings, Mayne: "Model Predictive Control: Theory and Design"
Li, Yang, Chen, Chen: "Disturbance Observer Based Control: Methods and Applications"

Lecture Notes

Complete course:

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Digital notes Mechatronics notes 2024/2025

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