Aerospace Engineering - Orbital Mechanics

Orbital Mechanics

Synthetic program:

Il corso si propone di fornire nozioni complete di meccanica orbitale per un veicolo spaziale, utili per una analisi delle problematiche e delle potenzialità delle missioni spaziali. Vengono forniti gli strumenti per affrontare in modo approfondito una vasta gamma di problemi di dinamica di missioni spaziali, relativi sia ad orbite attorno alla Terra che a missioni di esplorazione interplanetarie. Vengono affrontati in dettaglio i seguenti argomenti: riferimenti nello spazio e cenni di astronomia, il campo gravitazionale terrestre, la teoria delle orbite, la dinamica impulsiva ed i lanciatori, i moti gravitazionali, i trasferimenti orbitali ed i viaggi interplanetari, i moti in atmosfera, le perturbazioni del moto orbitale.

Reference systems in space: astronomy concepts; celestial sphere; rectangular and spherical coordinates: local equatorial and ecliptic; Earth movements; the Solar system; time measurement; coordinates transformations; spherical trigonometry; interplanetary navigation; ground tracks.

Keplerian orbits: the fundamental problem of celestial mechanics; the Keplerian model; restricted two-body problem; Kepler equation; position and velocity as function of time; ephemerides; angular momentum; energy; orbital elements and state vector; ground tracks.

Impulsive dynamics: fundamentals; variable mass systems dynamics; mission launcher; multi-stage launcher; design and trajectory optimisation.

Orbital manoeuvres: thrust in vacuum; review of Hohmann transfer, bi-elliptical transfer, out-of-plane manoeuvre; station keeping; orbital transfer; rendezvous and docking.

Gravitational motion and interplanetary trajectories: escape velocity; orbit insertion; gravity assist manoeuvres; interplanetary trip; launch window optimisation; sphere of influence; patched conics; Tisserand plane; proximity manoeuvring.

Atmospheric trajectories: space vehicle manoeuvring in launch and entry atmospheric phases.

Orbit perturbation modelling and applications: the perturbation problem; Cowell, Encke, variational approaches; Lagrange and Gauss equations; disturbing function; semi-analytical techniques for long-term orbit propagation; solar radiation pressure, third-body perturbation, atmospheric drag, the Earth gravity potential model; gravity harmonics; design of frozen orbits.

Restricted three-body problem: N-body problem, Three-body problem, restricted-three body problem, Lagrange points, Jacobi constant, periodic orbits, introduction to manifold dynamics for missions at Libration point orbits

Lecture Notes

Complete course:

Type File name Year
Handwritten notes Complete course notes (ITA) 2018/2019
Digital notes Review of Partial Derivatives 2018/2019

Divided by topic:

Type File name Year
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Type File name Year
Handwritten notes Formulario 2023/2024


Complete course:

Type File name Year
Digital notes Exercises with solutions 2018/2019
Digital notes Homework 2014/2015
Digital notes Homework 2013/2014
Digital notes Homework 2010/2011

Divided by topic:

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First partial exam:

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Second partial exam:

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Full exam:

Type Date
Text and solution 10/06/2024
Text and solution 29/01/2024
Text and solution 08/01/2024
Text and solution 28/08/2023
Text and solution 20/07/2023
Text and solution 21/06/2023
Text and solution 01/02/2023
Text and solution 05/09/2022
Text and solution 11/07/2022
Text and solution 22/06/2022
Text and solution 31/01/2022
Text and solution 12/01/2022
Text and solution 07/09/2021
Text and solution 30/06/2021
Text and solution 11/06/2021
Text and solution 29/01/2021
Text and solution 15/01/2021
Text and solution 17/01/2020
Text 26/08/2019
Text 29/01/2019
Text 10/01/2019
Text 30/08/2018
Text 23/07/2018
Text 02/07/2018
Text 12/02/2018
Text 24/01/2018
Text 24/01/2018
Text 01/09/2017
Text 14/07/2017
Text 30/06/2017
Text 17/02/2017
Text 03/02/2017
Text 15/09/2016
Text 06/09/2016
Text 19/02/2016
Text 04/02/2016
Solution 04/02/2016
Text 02/07/2015
Solution 02/07/2015
Text 20/02/2015
Solution 20/02/2015
Text 06/02/2015
Solution 06/02/2015
Text 05/09/2014
Text 21/02/2014

Oral exam:

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Multiple choice test:

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Collections of notes, exercises or exams:

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Cheat Sheet



Quick daily notes, exercises and audio recordings. Files will be approved on priority but deleted after 365 days. 2 points will be assigned by default.

Quick contents:

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