Aerospace Engineering - Launch Systems

Launch Systems

Synthetic program:

Space missions and vehicles: Space propulsion and on-board power systems. Survey of space missions. Classification of engines according to applications and operating conditions. Jet propulsion: gasdynamic or electromagnetic acceleration, continuous or pulsed operations. Analysis of propulsive mission: Engine performance, mission times and costs, mass distribution, Tsiolkovsky equation, velocity balance. Thermal rockets: Chemical rockets with solid, liquid, or hybrid propellants for space launchers or navigation: general architecture, energetic materials, tanks and feeding systems. Electrical thrusters: Electrothermal thrusters: resistojets and arcjets; Ion thrusters and Hall effect; Plasma propulsion. Chemical, nuclear, and radiant power sources. Nuclear rockets: Solid, liquid, and gas core nuclear reactors; fission fragments. Nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP) and/or electric thermal propulsion (NEP). Other propulsion techniques: Natural or artificial radiation (laser, microwaves); propellantless systems (aerodynamic capture, gravitational capture, solar sails, tethers). Micropropulsion. Extraterrestrial resources. On-board power systems: Batteries, fuel cells, solar cells, isotopic decay generators, dual systems. Performance, efficiencies, consumptions, lifetimes. Power system distribution and control.

Lecture Notes

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Digital notes Liquid rocket engines 2016/2017


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Second partial exam:

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Full exam:

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Text 06/09/2023
Text 14/07/2023
Text 20/06/2023
Text 08/02/2023
Text 18/01/2023
Text 11/07/2022
Text 20/06/2022

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