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Management Engineering - Business & Industrial Economics

Second partial exam

Text Brief 2 – 2018. The patent dilemma in entrepreneurship The manager of a consultancy firm specialized in the management of IPRs (Intellectual Property Rights) once said to me: “The problem for high-tech start-ups is that patenting is costly: start-ups need money for patents. And for obtaining money, they often need to approach several potential external investors, revealing them the nature of their business idea and the characteristics of the underlying technology, thus exposing themselves to the risk of expropriation. Thus, they fear that following that road they would not have anything to patent at the end of the day”. Frame this problem using the concepts of the BIE course, and suggest possible systemic (i.e. public) and/or private remedies to break this vicious cycle or to alleviate its negative effects. Write an homogenous essay (“slide style” should be avoided). Template File format Only Word documents are accepted. File name: Save the file as Surname_Name_IdentificationNo (for example, Grilli_Luca_12345678). For identification number please preferably use “Matricola” or as second best “Codice persona”. The documents should not be longer than 600 words (use “Count words” function to check it). - Longer documents will be rejected. - Two tables or figures can be added if necessary (if not your own production, please cite the source). These tables/figures do not contribute to the word-count. Timing, validity and restrictions Before 23:50 of June 27 th 2018: Upload the brief on the Beep site in the Section Homework into the folder “Off-line brief call 2018 June 25 th”. Grades will be published with the June 25 th 2018 exam results. A positive brief grade will be kept valid for the whole Academic Year (up to the end of February 2019). However if the student uploads a second brief, the former brief grade will be deleted. Policy The exam, including the brief, is personal. In particular, when you prepare the brief you are forbidden to copy parts or the whole of your brief from other classmates, other people, Internet materials, articles, books and any other sources. Plagiarism is regularly checked on a sample of the briefs. Students who cheat and break the rules are «Rejected», i.e. they can’t take anymore the exam during the current Academic Year. Criteria of assessment A. Quality of the brief (Linkages with the course content; Clearness; Completeness, Appropriateness of vocabulary) B. (provided that Quality is good) Originality, i.e. own/new/unique arguments, explanations or data. Note: no questions/emails from students are allowed during the 2-days off-line brief time frame. Sources The main references for the brief are BIE materials and course slides. You can also refer to Internet sources or whatever materials you deem appropriate, provided that the sources are well reputed and you cite the materials you are referring to (create a Reference list at the end of the essay, this list does not enter into word- count). For any other possible details please refer to BIE exam rules uploaded in the Beep site.