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Computer engineering - Uncertainity in artificial intelligence

Exam sample


Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Second evaluated test Surname: Name: Personal ID: Fuzzy Control Systems [Score 13/32] Please, select input and output variables of the system, define the corresponding fuzzy sets and how to implement logical operators and defuzzification method, write in Matlab the rules that implement the fuzzy system. Please, remember to motivate your choices. Note: Motivations of choices will substantially contribute to the final score of these exercises by 0 to 3 points each section. No reasonable motivation, no points. Please, consider that a motivation is different from a description. An autonomous car of the new generation receives the target to reach, computes the path, and controls speed and steer according to the path and the specific situation. Let’s take that it is driving on a street on the countryside and no other vehicles are in proximity. The car should control the speed by keeping it within the limits (90km/h), and matching safety and comfort for the passengers. In particular, when approaching a curve it should face the curve at the proper speed. Since it is aware of the path, it can control in advance the speed of the car so to optimize safety and comfort. Let’s take that the curves have all the same design. Please, define and implement in Matlab a fuzzy system that, considering the distance to the curve and the present speed, makes the car facing the curve at the speed that considers the aspects mentioned above. Please, also answer to the questions below. The final score will be the sum of the points mentioned for each one and the points obtained with the Matlab solution, up to a maximum of 13 points. This file, completed with your answers, should be renamed with your surname, name and enrollment number (e.g. RosssiMario10989817.docx), translated in pdf (e.g., RosssiMario10989817.pdf) and zipped together with the .fis file (e.g., RosssiMario10989817.fis) that you’ll have produced in Matlab. The zip file (e.g., RosssiMario10989817.zip) should be delivered on WeBEEP as assignment. 1. Description of the considered input and output variables [1 Point] 2. Motivations for labels and membership functions choices [2 Points] 3. Motivation for operator choice [0.5 points] 4. Motivation for defuzzyfication method choice [0.5 points]