Computer Engineering - Ingegneria del Software

Ingegneria del Software

Synthetic program:
Progettazione Del Software: Progettazione orientata agli oggetti. Architetture client-server e progettazione distribuita. Interazione tra componenti attraverso eventi e progettazione delle interfacce utente. Unified Modeling Language: Descrizione dellarchitettura software in UML. Cenni ai requisiti e alla specifica del problema mediante UML. Test Del Software: Obiettivi, fondamenti e tecniche.Processo Di Sviluppo: Il processo di sviluppo e di evoluzione del software. La gestione delle configurazioni.


Lecture Notes

Complete course:

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Divided by topic:

Type File name Year
Digital notes 01-Introduzione 2018/2019
Digital notes 02-Ciclo di vita del software 2018/2019
Digital notes 03-Linguaggio Java 2018/2019
Digital notes 04-Gestione delle eccezioni 2018/2019
Digital notes 05-Da UML a Java 2018/2019
Digital notes 06-Design pattern 2018/2019
Digital notes 07-Testing and debugging 2018/2019
Digital notes 08-Astrazioni procedurali 2018/2019
Digital notes 09-Progettazione sistematica di classi Java 2018/2019
Digital notes 10-Ereditarietà: specifica di estensioni 2018/2019
Digital notes 11-Testing 2018/2019


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Complete course:

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Divided by topic:

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First partial exam:

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Second partial exam:

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Full exam:

Type Date
Text and solution 02/02/2024
Text and solution 15/01/2024
Text and solution 28/08/2023
Text and solution 10/07/2023
Text and solution 07/06/2023
Text and solution 13/02/2023
Text and solution 14/01/2023
Text and solution 26/08/2022
Text and solution 21/07/2022
Text and solution 18/06/2022
Text and solution 07/02/2022
Text and solution 18/01/2022
Text and solution 02/09/2021
Text and solution 13/07/2021
Text and solution 18/06/2021
Text and solution 15/02/2021
Text and solution 18/01/2021
Text and solution 10/09/2020
Text and solution 16/07/2020
Text and solution 26/06/2020
Text and solution 03/02/2020
Text and solution 16/01/2020
Text and solution 14/09/2019
Text and solution 16/07/2019
Text and solution 26/06/2019
Text and solution 18/02/2019
Text and solution 25/01/2019
Text 12/09/2018
Text 20/07/2018
Text 29/06/2018
Text 09/02/2018
Text 16/01/2018
Text 24/07/2017
Text 11/07/2017
Text 16/09/2016
Text 02/09/2016
Text 18/07/2016
Text 01/07/2016
Text 05/02/2016
Text 25/09/2015
Text 14/09/2015
Text 23/07/2015
Text 09/07/2015
Text 03/03/2015
Text 11/02/2015

Oral exam:

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Multiple choice test:

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Collections of notes, exercises or exams:


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Quick daily notes, exercises and audio recordings. Files will be approved on priority but deleted after 365 days. 2 points will be assigned by default.

Quick contents:

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