Flip Image

Drag and drop an image here

- or -

Choose an image

Maximum upload file size: 5 MB

Use Remote URL
Upload from device

Flip Settings

Flip Horizontally
Flip Vertically

A flip image tool is an online tool through which a picture can be mirrored or flipped horizontally and vertically. Sometimes, images don't appear correctly, but flipping the image is the fix. Photos flipped or mirrored frequently show eye-catching details that weren't present in the original shot. They also aid in reorienting your original image. Sometimes, there are images with text that is reversed. You might have to flip or mirror the image with the help of the flip image tool to rectify this.

What Would Make It Necessary to Flip an Image?

There are numerous reasons why one could decide to flip an image. The orientation of a picture you want to put in a frame may be wrong. Another scenario is that you might need to flip a photo to make it fit in a particular space on your website. Whatever the motivation, flipping an image is the only choice that can be made with the help of the flip image tool.

How To Use Flip image tool?

Use these instructions to flip your image.

  • Select your desired image by clicking the "Choose image" or drag and drop the image in the input field.
  • To flip your image, choose "Flip vertically or horizontally."
  • Then, click on the "Flip Image" button, and your image will be precisely and instantly flipped.
  • The flipped image is now shown in the preview area.
  • To save the picture, click "Download."

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1.     Do I need to sign up to utilize the flip image tool?

No, using this flip image tool doesn't need to provide confidential details like your password or email address.

2.     What does a flipped image mean?

A flipped image is a reverse image like its mirror image.

3.     After I've finished using the flip image tool, will my file be saved?

No, your files will not save to our servers. Uploads will remain private and not obtainable to anybody else.

4.     Is there any upload Restriction?

Our image-flipping tool enables you to flip an infinite number of photographs. You may flip as often as you like with no constraints or limitations, and the accuracy won't affect it.

5.     Is rotating and flipping the same thing?

It's not the same concept as flipping an image and rotating it. A picture rotates around the axis and moves to the left or right. But when you flip an image, you're just doing vertical or horizontal mirroring.